Thursday, May 14, 2020

10 Habits That Will Make You More Productive

10 Habits That Will Make You More Productive â€" “Productivity” and “work” are synonymous because there’s absolutely nothing important going on outside of The Job. At least, that’s what the majority of these “How to Be More Productive!” lists would have you believe.The truth is, getting things done in real life is just as rewarding as in work-lifeâ€"if not more so Think of it this way: The more job tasks you complete, the more room you’ve freed up on your desk for another pile of job tasks. On the other hand, being more efficient and productive off the clock means more time for you to just do you.It’s a nice place to beâ€"here are 10 daily habits to adopt to help you get there Most morning rituals include the basics: breakfast 4) Eat More HealthilyNot to play the “you are what you eat” card, but it’s pertinent: what you eat affects your mental alertness and focus, not to mention your mood. Carb-rich foods “Less TV, now this? What did I do to deserve such punishment?” you may be asking yourself. But thi nk about it: the news is mostly bad and, even worse, made up of opinionated fluff that has little bearing on your life; multiply that by 150% when it comes to sports. “I have no control over the outcome,” writes Larry Kim in Inc. “What I can do is focus on the stuff that I know I can have an impact on. I don’t lose hours out of my week discussing, reading about, thinking about, or watching the big game. If something is important enough, it will become known.”8) Focus, Don’t MultitaskWith “multi” and “tasking” right there in the name, multi-tasking certainly sounds like the way to get more done. Your brain knows otherwise: you’re not doing several things at onceâ€"you’re switching between them hastily, which ultimately leads to more mistakes and extra stress you really don’t need.One way to train your brain to focus on a single task Saying “yes” to everything and everyone is so ingrained in our people-pleasing minds that a simple “no” is considered a n “extreme hack.” “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything,” business titan Warren Buffett once said, and the sentiment also applies to non-bazillionaire: politely cut the distractions and finish the important stuff.10) Don’t Expect PerfectionEven following a comprehensive list like this one won’t guarantee productivity perfection (spoiler: this list isn’t perfect, either). That’s OK.Don’t let the minutiae slow down forward movementâ€"in most, if not all, cases, completed now is better than finished at some undetermined point in the future.Once you realize this simple fact, there are ways to get over chronic perfectionism. Believe it or not, tasks can be fun, or at least less paralyzing. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get it right, but you’d be right to expect some wrongs.

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