Sunday, December 29, 2019

This top e-cigarette company has banned vaping in the office

This top e-cigarette company has banned vaping in the officeThis top e-cigarette company has banned vaping in the officeSometimes, the cruelest ironies come packaged in an email. Thats what 1,500 employees at e-cigarette startup Juul Labs, Inc. learned this December when their chief executive sent out a directive to stop vaping in the office.Rest assured that we are committed to exploring options for team members who desire to vape while at work, wrote Kevin Burns. Just bedrngnis in meeting rooms, at desks or in bathrooms where employees around the country take a puff. As an alternative at least at their San Francisco headquarters, Juul will erect an outdoor tent where workers can congregate if they want to vape.The companys main office had become a hotbed for vaping - or Juuling, as the habit is often called. A current employee told The Wall Street Journal that workers vaped nonstop, in the open and in virtually every meeting in all parts of the building.That makes sense, as the co mpany was founded by smokers who were looking for an alternative to cigarettes. But the practice is counter to a California state ban that in 2016 established its illegal to use e-cigarettes in the workplace or in other public venues where smoke-free laws apply.It may feel nonsensical to prohibit at-work use of the very products we work hard to create and promote, Burns wrote. But the bottom line is we need to comply with legal requirements the same as any company.Juul has been under scrutiny in recent months as young people take up vaping thanks to its flavored e-cigarettes. According to the Journal, Burns mentioned in the staff email that the startup had been contacted by city officials about vaping policy in the office.Though Juul may have come under fire for breaking the law, other workplaces that are less prominent dont face much enforcement of the vaping bans, according to the advocacy group American Vaping Association.99% of people dont care so long as they dont see anything, Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, told the Journal.If its 10 degrees outside and I want a single puff, I just take a puff and hold my breath.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Goals dont replace systems? and vice versa

Goals dont replace ordnungsprinzips? and vice versaGoals dont replace systems? and vice versaPeople who claim that tischsetting goals are a bad thing are out of their minds. They probably set some goals in the past, failed, and never set a goal again.I know theres a lot of confusion about goals and systems these days. Ive contributed to the confusion as well.A lot of us share the idea that you either have a system or set goals.But thinking this or that is not helpful because it limits our beliefs. I know this because I used to think that way too. But then, I learned that many things in life could be this and that.So in this article, Ill explain why goals and systems complement each other, and why I have both.But first, lets start with the definitions.A goal tells you where youre going tomorrowA system tells you what to do todayMakes sense? There is a clear difference. A system is a collection of tasks and strategies that help you to function. And setting goals can be part of that s ystem.1. Why you need goalsEvery time I read about people who claim you shouldnt set goals, I get upset. Its possibly the worst advice one could receive.When someone is telling you not to set goals, they are essentially saying you should stop moving forward.Goals are inherent to human nature. We thrive on progress. We need something to strive for. If we dont have a vision of what our future could look like, why would we do anything at all?Its the classic question that philosophers and scientists have examined since the start of modern civilization. Over and over again, weve learned that we need goals to grow.Lets stop and think about that for a second. Why are we alive? I say were here to live a useful life. Thats what makes us happy as a result, it makes our life good.However, setting goals is not an easy skill. In the past, I would set goals that I had zero control over.I want to make a million bucks, you might think.Alright, great. But heres the thing, you dont control the reward s you get. What do you control? Your effort. So, its better to set goals that are related to your effort.How many books are you going to read?What degrees will you get?How many potential mentors will you reach out to?How many articles/books/videos/songs will you create?How much of your money are you going to invest?You see, these types of questions are related to goals that you can influence. Thats the way to go.2. Why you need systemsSystems have different meanings to people. For example, Scott Adams, the author of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, did a great job explaining how systems work for him. He doesnt set goals and only has systems. Thats not how I look at it.Once we set goals, we know that we have to put in the work to achieve them. Thats when systems come into play.It comes down to this What do I need to do EVERY DAY to achieve the goals I desire?Lets say you want to become financially independent by age 50. You might thinkI need to save at least 30% of my incomeI need to increase my income yearlyI need to be mentally strong so that I can do my jobI need to be in good shape, so I dont get ill and have high energyI need to learn every day, so I get better at my jobI need to look at my goals every day to remind myself of where Im goingI need to reflect on the past to learn and be grateful for where I amAlright, congratulations. You have created a system. When you do the above things, you will make progress, no matter what.One thing we must be aware of is that we keep an open mind Goals and systems change all the time. Dont fixate on one thing for a long time. Change your goals and systems as your priorities change.3. Why you need higher goalsWeve established that we need both goals and systems to live a good life. Heres what Ive learned over the past few years.Set higher goalsNo, you dont need to make 10 million bucks. Thats just your superficial brain speaking for you.Set the bar higher for yourself.Become the best at your job.Beco me stronger, fitter, and smarter than everHave divine relationshipsGo beyond where you currently are. I like how Jordan Peterson puts it in his immensely popular book, 12 Rules For LifeYou should never give up the better that resides within for the security you already have.Yes, why would you deserve anything but the best? Because youre afraid of losing what you have? Thats not a good reason to live a timid and mediocre life.When we aim low, we deserve to receive low. When we aim high, we might fail, but we still have a better life than people who aim low. Because the failure of someone who aims high is much more profound than the life of someone who aims low.Yeah, but I dont need much.Well, that sounds like a pretty high aim to me. Its funny to me that people pretend like being content is easy.Being grateful and content is the highest aim in life.You know whats low? Complaining, being ungrateful, consumerism, anger, doing nothing, etc.Aim high. Live a life of contribution. Dedicate yourself to knowledge and self-study. Help yourself, your family, and your community. Thats the highest goal one can set.So, do yourself a favor, sit down for 10 minutes, and think about thisWhat are your goals for this week?What are your goals for this month?What are your goals for this year?What are your goals for next year?What are your 3-year goals?What are your 5-year goals?I guarantee that you will feel ecstatic about life after youve done this little exercise. GoIve also published a podcast episode, where I talk about 2 books that I recommend reading about goals and systems. Listen to it here.This article first appeared on

Friday, December 20, 2019

The 10 Most Exciting Trends for Women in 2014 [Pt. 1]

The 10 fruchtwein Exciting Trends for Women in 2014 Pt. 1 The 10 Most Exciting Trends for Women in 2014 Pt. 1 As a prominent thought leader on the impact of technology on society, work and careers an author of 11 books named 2012 Most Influential Woman in Bay Area Business by the San Francisco Business Times and with a slew of media appearances under her belt, Wilen definitely knows a thing or two about women and the workplace.Read on to discover 10 of the most exciting trends for women and why Wilen believes 2014 will be such an influential year for the ladies.What is womens history month?According to, in 1987, after petitions from the National Womens History Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9, which selected the month of March 1987 as Womens History Month.Wikipedia explains that during this month each year people around the world celebrate the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. The U.S., UK, and Australia all celebrate during the month of March, corresponding withInternational Womens Day on March 8 (which started in 1911).Trend 1 Women sharks on the riseShark Tank is a popular U.S. TV show that showcases a growing trend in the U.S. toward entrepreneurship. Are women participating in this movement?Yes. I am very excited about the reports and updates from the Kaufmann Institute, The Small Business Administration (SBA), and modern day shows like Shark Tank as it confirms that women (and men) of all ages have many career options and starting and owning a business is a viable option.Women-owned businesses present the fastest growing segments in the U.S. economy they grew 44 percent from 1997-2007, which is two times as fast as male owned firms.There are 7.8 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. and 88 percent are small businesses.Around 8.6 million women-owned firms generate 1.3 trillion in revenue and employ 7.8 million people.In the past year, women started more than 200,000 businesses (550 per day/23 hr).VC firms that invest in women-led businesses performed better than all men-led businesses, according to theSBA sekretariat of Advocacy.Trend 2 Women in the drivers seatMary Barra becoming the CEO of General Motors was recent news however, the number of women as CEOs in Fortune 500 firms are not increasing as fast as women hoped. What is your perspective on women taking control of the drivers seat?According to the Catalyst group, women currently hold4.6 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 4.6 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.I think it is important to look at trends that are occurring in real time. For example in the 2000s we have seen women pursue and move into leadership and Fortune 500 firms CEO roles such as-Meg Whitman (Ebay 1998-2008) who ran for governor (2010) and then become the CEO of HP in 2011-Ginny Rommety CEO IBM (2012)-Marisa Mayer CEO Yahoo(2012) and now-Mary Barra (Jan 2014) and upcoming Susan N. Storywill become CEO of American Water Works Comp any, Inc. on May 9, 2014.Just looking at Fortune 500-100 firms, a study by Grant Thornton indicates that pipeline is important- higher percentages increase the likelihood and line positions. Womens expectations have increased. (Women in senior management, 2013)I view that women are moving into the driver seat in Fortune 500 firms but I think they are already there in non- Fortune 500 firms and that is where the job growth is in the U.S. Trend 3 Young firms offer jobs for womenCan you explain your statement on young firms as leadership opportunities for women?I think it is important for us to look at where job creation is coming from for us to understand where the leadership trend is heading and will be in the future. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the younger firms (under 5 years) are the more jobs they create regardless of size.This is an important trend to note because many of us assumed that the only employment is with large firms when in reality the growt h and opportunity is happening with young firms of all sizes.Trend 4 Women are going for the goldWe just watched the Sochi Olympics and you note that women are going for the gold. How so?In the recent Sochi Olympics, a Dutch female athlete won the most medals of any athlete at that Olympic- 2 Gold and 3 silver medals. And, in 2012 the U.S. had more women than men participating in the summer Olympics (269 vs. 261). You might remember that American women teams accounted for 56 percent of the U.S. medals and 66 percent of the gold medals. This challenges three myths about women they dont like to compete, they dont like to win, and they are not team players. Women are going for the gold.Trend 5 Women are becoming tech headsHow have women adapted to technology?The research shows that women are fast adopters of technology, particularly technology that they find useful such as mobile devices, social media, and online shopping. Women also influence consumer electronic purchasing. One of the electronic association notes that 70 percent of jobs by 202 will have a technology component. I think that women adapt and use technology and this is important for employability.Here are a few examplesSeventy-four percent of females use social networking sites vs. 62 percent of men.Women are the top users of Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media on mobile phones.Women influenced $90 billion of consumer electronic purchases in 2007.Women account for 58 percent of all total online spending.Stay tuned for part 2 of this article for the next five trends

Sunday, December 15, 2019

7 horrible ways to lead a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)

7 horrible ways to lead a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)7 horrible ways to lead a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)Leadership is not, Hey, you, go do this thing for me.When we think about leadership, we tend to think in terms of hierarchy - those at the top are considered the leaders and those at the bottom are considered the followers.The problem with this sort of perspective is that, in all honesty, just because you hold a formal position on the ladder does not necessarily mean you are aleader. However, lots and lots of people wear their title and their badge of honor proudly - while at the same time ignoring the fact that they are, in fact, horrible leaders.Dont fall into the trap of doing any of the following, simply because you have a position of power - especially this first one1. You expect others to follow rules that you yourself do not followThis is, bar none, the fruchtwein common mistake in leadership.You cannot, and should not expect others to follow rul es, codes, processes, and all the rest if you cannot follow them yourself.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIf youre not showing up on time, dont expect others to as well. If you arent diligent and organized, dont expect those beneath you to somehow cultivate better habits. When you are a leader, you do not realize how much of an influence you have on your team - even down to the smallest habit.You are the leader for a reason.Everything you do must have purpose, so that those who look to you for guidance will do everything with purpose as well.2. You do not keep your wordThe fastest way to lose respect (and earn resentment) as a leader is to say youre going to do something and then not do it.First and foremost (going back to 1 here), its because it encourages a very bad habit in those around you - If he/she can slack off, so can I.As a leader, it is so crucial that you do the t hings you say you are going to do.And if you cannot do them, you need to communicate that openly to your team in advance. For those looking to rise and become leaders, this is equally important advice.If you want to climb the ranks, this is one of the most effective ways to do it.Keep your word.Thats it.Keep your word and people will soon learn that you can be trusted - they can count on you, no matter what. And that in itself will propel you to where you want to go.3. You do not (genuinely) admit when you are wrongSome leaders believe that admitting when theyre wrong is a sign of weakness.Its not.In fact, being wrong or having made a mistake and yet being incapable of owning up to it reveals an even bigger weakness - and makes your team question whether or not they can trust you.If you make a mistake, or were incorrect about something, just say so.This will establish trust and an even playing field with you and your team, showing them that you embody the same traits you expect of them - a humility to be able to step back and take accountability.4. You make promises you cannot keepThis is a rabbit hole of disaster.There is no worse habit as a leader than making promises you know you cant keep. All this does is welcome in feelings of being let down. And the next time you say youre going to do something for someone, they will not believe you - and even worse, they will become angry at you for thinking you can fool them again and again.Where 2 is about following through with what you say youre going to do on your end, 4 here is about keeping promises that you make to someone else.5. You want to be the starAs a leader, its your job to inspire, guide, direct, teach, motivate, and ultimately help others succeed.Its not to steal the spotlight.The greatest leaders are the ones who, as Steve Jobs so eloquently put it, play the orchestra.Fantastic leaders know how to step back and let others shine.They know how to put others in positions to succeed themselves - whi ch benefits the whole orchestra.However, as long as you want to be the star, with the spotlight on you and no one else, you will squeeze the talent around you and keep it from ever unfolding.6. You criticize others but cannot take criticism yourselfHealthy criticism is how teams members push each other to improve and get better - iron sharpens iron.Harsh criticism is what instills insecurity, fear, and an unwillingness to take chances. If your style of leadership is healthy and positive, expect others to do the same with you - which means you too will continue growing and improving.But if your style of leadership is harsh, then expect the same to come back to you - or worse, cause your entire team to go silent.7. You believe your way is the right (and only) wayAnd finally, the oh-so-debated topic of what is the right way of doing something.The truth is, there are very few things that have just one single right way of doing them. So much of life is subjective, and that goes for th e work we do as well.Creative to one person might be boring to another.Clean and sleek to one is dull and lackluster to another.If you are a leader looking to build and scale your team, it is important to learn and realize that your way is not necessarily the right way. It may be one of the right ways, but it is not the end all.Its important that you acknowledge this otherwise, you will cultivate a team of people who arent searching for the best solution to the problem, but rather the best solution to appeal to your own unique subjective definition of what is right.This article originally appeared on Inc Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people7 horrible ways to le ad a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)Leadership is not, Hey, you, go do this thing for me.When we think about leadership, we tend to think in terms of hierarchy - those at the top are considered the leaders and those at the bottom are considered the followers.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe problem with this sort of perspective is that, in all honesty, just because you hold a formal position on the ladder does not necessarily mean you are aleader. However, lots and lots of people wear their title and their badge of honor proudly - while at the same time ignoring the fact that they are, in fact, horrible leaders.Dont fall into the trap of doing any of the following, simply because you have a position of power - especially this first one1. You expect others to follow rules that you yourself do not followThis is, bar none, the most common mistake in leadership.You ca nnot, and should not expect others to follow rules, codes, processes, and all the rest if you cannot follow them yourself.If youre not showing up on time, dont expect others to as well. If you arent diligent and organized, dont expect those beneath you to somehow cultivate better habits. When you are a leader, you do not realize how much of an influence you have on your team - even down to the smallest habit.You are the leader for a reason.Everything you do must have purpose, so that those who look to you for guidance will do everything with purpose as well.2. You do not keep your wordThe fastest way to lose respect (and earn resentment) as a leader is to say youre going to do something and then not do it.First and foremost (going back to 1 here), its because it encourages a very bad habit in those around you - If he/she can slack off, so can I.As a leader, it is so crucial that you do the things you say you are going to do.And if you cannot do them, you need to communicate that o penly to your team in advance. For those looking to rise and become leaders, this is equally important advice.If you want to climb the ranks, this is one of the most effective ways to do it.Keep your word.Thats it.Keep your word and people will soon learn that you can be trusted - they can count on you, no matter what. And that in itself will propel you to where you want to go.3. You do not (genuinely) admit when you are wrongSome leaders believe that admitting when theyre wrong is a sign of weakness.Its not.In fact, being wrong or having made a mistake and yet being incapable of owning up to it reveals an even bigger weakness - and makes your team question whether or not they can trust you.If you make a mistake, or were incorrect about something, just say so.This will establish trust and an even playing field with you and your team, showing them that you embody the same traits you expect of them - a humility to be able to step back and take accountability.4. You make promises yo u cannot keepThis is a rabbit hole of disaster.There is no worse habit as a leader than making promises you know you cant keep. All this does is welcome in feelings of being let down. And the next time you say youre going to do something for someone, they will not believe you - and even worse, they will become angry at you for thinking you can fool them again and again.Where 2 is about following through with what you say youre going to do on your end, 4 here is about keeping promises that you make to someone else.5. You want to be the starAs a leader, its your job to inspire, guide, direct, teach, motivate, and ultimately help others succeed.Its not to steal the spotlight.The greatest leaders are the ones who, as Steve Jobs so eloquently put it, play the orchestra.Fantastic leaders know how to step back and let others shine.They know how to put others in positions to succeed themselves - which benefits the whole orchestra.However, as long as you want to be the star, with the spotl ight on you and no one else, you will squeeze the talent around you and keep it from ever unfolding.6. You criticize others but cannot take criticism yourselfHealthy criticism is how teams members push each other to improve and get better - iron sharpens iron.Harsh criticism is what instills insecurity, fear, and an unwillingness to take chances. If your style of leadership is healthy and positive, expect others to do the same with you - which means you too will continue growing and improving.But if your style of leadership is harsh, then expect the same to come back to you - or worse, cause your entire team to go silent.7. You believe your way is the right (and only) wayAnd finally, the oh-so-debated topic of what is the right way of doing something.The truth is, there are very few things that have just one single right way of doing them. So much of life is subjective, and that goes for the work we do as well.Creative to one person might be boring to another.Clean and sleek to o ne is dull and lackluster to another.If you are a leader looking to build and scale your team, it is important to learn and realize that your way is not necessarily the right way. It may be one of the right ways, but it is not the end all.Its important that you acknowledge this otherwise, you will cultivate a team of people who arent searching for the best solution to the problem, but rather the best solution to appeal to your own unique subjective definition of what is right.This article originally appeared on Inc Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Resumes Online and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Resumes Online and How to Avoid It As a job applicant, your intent is to leave a constructive and lasting impression on your prospective employer. Though online recruitments advantages cant be denied, its also important to start looking into its disadvantages. With JotForm, the hiring process needs to be seamless and effortless. Also will give suggestions and strategies to come up with your own resume. To make things easy, simple look the quantity of time theyve spent in the cell app development business and have a look at the kind of work theyve done previously. Managers wish to employ individuals who are likely to make their lives easier. With the economy the way its, people that are outof work are having a difficult time finding new work and. People today wish to employ people they know. Download a printable Marshalls employment form so that you are able to apply today. It may be wise to try to remember that a few firms have distinct name s for the specific same standing. Make koranvers it stands out to employers rather than having a generic edition. The employers search for the Resumes that are simple, to the point, nor contain the bulk of unwarranted particulars about your fishing abilities The Awful Side of Resumes Online Resume Builder is an internet tool that can help you produce your resume quickly and professionally. You will be glad to know that there are going to be examples of resumes that you may look at to receive a notion of the greatest template to use. A fill-in template may be wonderful tool to offer you a head start with. There are several kinds of Free Resum. Free resume review beforehand. There are an assortment of absolutely free resumetemplates and resumebuilder programs out there. Download the internet Casino software today and you may play our completely free casino online, and be on your way to the fun and excitement of Vegas style internet casino gamingMany professional resume maker s are available on the internet. A good way to receive a professional looking resume is with the assistance of Free Resume App. The very best place for finding resumes online is on the internet sites that are directly linked to the particular career field. In the last couple of decades, some huge organizations have begun to ask job applicants to submit their resumes online. The Unusual Secret of Resumes Online Getting specialist help can provide you a competitive edge and in the majority of circumstances the price of the service is tax deductible. A web-based search is the perfect way to find a trustworthy rehab staffing company. Buying groups might be valuable resource for market intelligence. The purchasing group utilizes industry experts to negotiate the best deals for the group, letting the independent owner time to focus on core enterprise. What employers want is a degree of comfort that youre not likely to be an issue in their opinion. Theres certainly nothing wrong with employees seeking out other possible jobs, but most employees do not want to help it become common knowledge when theyre thinking of leaving their company. Your experience and knowledge could be exactly the kind of help a committee requirements. For certain managerial positions, candidates may want to reveal further educational qualifications as well as extensive experience. Thus, the essay for our staff it is simpler than ever. Volunteers are required to help keep pages current. Submit your resume based on the directions on the job posting. As soon as you have created a resume employing a work search engine resume builder, the website will make it possible for you to share it Free online resume builder, allows you to make a perfect resume minutes. When reading resumes, employers generally are seeking hard data and data. It is possible to get started adding information from your FB account or extra details such as skills, key values, education information, etc.. In the majority of cases information like the name, address and present employer is going to be kept confidential. Be clear about job titles So long as youre not exaggerating, utilize a work title that is likely to make clear what you did at an earlier organization.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Neutral Perspective on Resume Writing past Tense or Present

A Neutral Perspective on Resume Writing past Tense or Present Resume Writing past Tense or Present Options Fiction writing is far outside my field of expertise, but I feel its interesting enough to be well worth discussing, and I welcome your comments if you would like to increase the discussion. Lets say you have to purchase essay for college. Writing a resume can be highly technical and theres frequently an appropriate means to do it. Writing resumes can at times feel overwhelming. Hiring managers wish to get to know you as an individual. Your CV is the initial step for your fantasy job as its the first matter to be noticed by the recruiters and by thinking about the different CVs they shortlist the candidates from a range of applications theyve attained. Resumes are the absolute most important part of the work search process its the very first thing hiring managers or recruiters will see to learn about your skills associated with the job which you are applying for. They should never be written in third person. If your dates listed beside the work title are in years past write before. Selecting the correct tense is important once youre beginning to compose a resume and apply to jobs. The Fight Against Resume Writing past Tense or Present Each phrase needs to be direct and concise. The present tense is utilized to express anything thats happening now or past in the current moment. The present tense is utilized to express anything thats happening now or occurring in the current moment. As an issue of fact, it is a perfectly acceptable bit of writing. The ideal part is frequently the most challenging to comprehend, so here is a brief overview. It is often the most challenging past understand, so heres a brief overview. In case it says you are working at the position, you might use the present tense. For instance, if youve had multiple positions within exactly the same company, it can occasionally look strange to have both past and present tense for work that has essentially the very same job title but various roles. Youre not in the work anymore, its in your past. Everyone can say he or she excelled at her or his final job. The Ultimate Resume Writing past Tense or Present Trick Even powerful verbs can acquire boring if seen too frequently, however, so make an effort not to repeat one in the very same block of text or paragraph. If you arent sure which words to use, find keywords in the work description. The present participle is identical for all pronouns. The issue is the misuse of the word, which may only be caught by an educated reader. Employing different tenses in writing helps hiring managers to know quickly what you are presently doing versus what youve done without needing to examine dates. Help permits you to be more resume in your range of verbs. When you add the new one, each one of the tenses want to get changed to past. Above all, you ought to be consistent with tense tenses. What to Expec t From Resume Writing past Tense or Present? You may also stand out with a distinctive voice. Should you do, it is going to sound false and come across as though you are earning a speech Attempt to share in as many conversations as possible with different folks, either face-to-face or on the telephone. Resume isnt a name or titleit doesnt need to get capitalized. The Ultimate Resume Writing past Tense or Present Trick If thats the case, present tense would make a huge option. Resume action words offer a number of advantages. The crucial feature is its extra completely free chips and credits added to the starting balance at no cost. While chronological the default, it isnt always the best method to create your case.