Sunday, December 29, 2019

This top e-cigarette company has banned vaping in the office

This top e-cigarette company has banned vaping in the officeThis top e-cigarette company has banned vaping in the officeSometimes, the cruelest ironies come packaged in an email. Thats what 1,500 employees at e-cigarette startup Juul Labs, Inc. learned this December when their chief executive sent out a directive to stop vaping in the office.Rest assured that we are committed to exploring options for team members who desire to vape while at work, wrote Kevin Burns. Just bedrngnis in meeting rooms, at desks or in bathrooms where employees around the country take a puff. As an alternative at least at their San Francisco headquarters, Juul will erect an outdoor tent where workers can congregate if they want to vape.The companys main office had become a hotbed for vaping - or Juuling, as the habit is often called. A current employee told The Wall Street Journal that workers vaped nonstop, in the open and in virtually every meeting in all parts of the building.That makes sense, as the co mpany was founded by smokers who were looking for an alternative to cigarettes. But the practice is counter to a California state ban that in 2016 established its illegal to use e-cigarettes in the workplace or in other public venues where smoke-free laws apply.It may feel nonsensical to prohibit at-work use of the very products we work hard to create and promote, Burns wrote. But the bottom line is we need to comply with legal requirements the same as any company.Juul has been under scrutiny in recent months as young people take up vaping thanks to its flavored e-cigarettes. According to the Journal, Burns mentioned in the staff email that the startup had been contacted by city officials about vaping policy in the office.Though Juul may have come under fire for breaking the law, other workplaces that are less prominent dont face much enforcement of the vaping bans, according to the advocacy group American Vaping Association.99% of people dont care so long as they dont see anything, Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, told the Journal.If its 10 degrees outside and I want a single puff, I just take a puff and hold my breath.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Goals dont replace systems? and vice versa

Goals dont replace ordnungsprinzips? and vice versaGoals dont replace systems? and vice versaPeople who claim that tischsetting goals are a bad thing are out of their minds. They probably set some goals in the past, failed, and never set a goal again.I know theres a lot of confusion about goals and systems these days. Ive contributed to the confusion as well.A lot of us share the idea that you either have a system or set goals.But thinking this or that is not helpful because it limits our beliefs. I know this because I used to think that way too. But then, I learned that many things in life could be this and that.So in this article, Ill explain why goals and systems complement each other, and why I have both.But first, lets start with the definitions.A goal tells you where youre going tomorrowA system tells you what to do todayMakes sense? There is a clear difference. A system is a collection of tasks and strategies that help you to function. And setting goals can be part of that s ystem.1. Why you need goalsEvery time I read about people who claim you shouldnt set goals, I get upset. Its possibly the worst advice one could receive.When someone is telling you not to set goals, they are essentially saying you should stop moving forward.Goals are inherent to human nature. We thrive on progress. We need something to strive for. If we dont have a vision of what our future could look like, why would we do anything at all?Its the classic question that philosophers and scientists have examined since the start of modern civilization. Over and over again, weve learned that we need goals to grow.Lets stop and think about that for a second. Why are we alive? I say were here to live a useful life. Thats what makes us happy as a result, it makes our life good.However, setting goals is not an easy skill. In the past, I would set goals that I had zero control over.I want to make a million bucks, you might think.Alright, great. But heres the thing, you dont control the reward s you get. What do you control? Your effort. So, its better to set goals that are related to your effort.How many books are you going to read?What degrees will you get?How many potential mentors will you reach out to?How many articles/books/videos/songs will you create?How much of your money are you going to invest?You see, these types of questions are related to goals that you can influence. Thats the way to go.2. Why you need systemsSystems have different meanings to people. For example, Scott Adams, the author of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, did a great job explaining how systems work for him. He doesnt set goals and only has systems. Thats not how I look at it.Once we set goals, we know that we have to put in the work to achieve them. Thats when systems come into play.It comes down to this What do I need to do EVERY DAY to achieve the goals I desire?Lets say you want to become financially independent by age 50. You might thinkI need to save at least 30% of my incomeI need to increase my income yearlyI need to be mentally strong so that I can do my jobI need to be in good shape, so I dont get ill and have high energyI need to learn every day, so I get better at my jobI need to look at my goals every day to remind myself of where Im goingI need to reflect on the past to learn and be grateful for where I amAlright, congratulations. You have created a system. When you do the above things, you will make progress, no matter what.One thing we must be aware of is that we keep an open mind Goals and systems change all the time. Dont fixate on one thing for a long time. Change your goals and systems as your priorities change.3. Why you need higher goalsWeve established that we need both goals and systems to live a good life. Heres what Ive learned over the past few years.Set higher goalsNo, you dont need to make 10 million bucks. Thats just your superficial brain speaking for you.Set the bar higher for yourself.Become the best at your job.Beco me stronger, fitter, and smarter than everHave divine relationshipsGo beyond where you currently are. I like how Jordan Peterson puts it in his immensely popular book, 12 Rules For LifeYou should never give up the better that resides within for the security you already have.Yes, why would you deserve anything but the best? Because youre afraid of losing what you have? Thats not a good reason to live a timid and mediocre life.When we aim low, we deserve to receive low. When we aim high, we might fail, but we still have a better life than people who aim low. Because the failure of someone who aims high is much more profound than the life of someone who aims low.Yeah, but I dont need much.Well, that sounds like a pretty high aim to me. Its funny to me that people pretend like being content is easy.Being grateful and content is the highest aim in life.You know whats low? Complaining, being ungrateful, consumerism, anger, doing nothing, etc.Aim high. Live a life of contribution. Dedicate yourself to knowledge and self-study. Help yourself, your family, and your community. Thats the highest goal one can set.So, do yourself a favor, sit down for 10 minutes, and think about thisWhat are your goals for this week?What are your goals for this month?What are your goals for this year?What are your goals for next year?What are your 3-year goals?What are your 5-year goals?I guarantee that you will feel ecstatic about life after youve done this little exercise. GoIve also published a podcast episode, where I talk about 2 books that I recommend reading about goals and systems. Listen to it here.This article first appeared on

Friday, December 20, 2019

The 10 Most Exciting Trends for Women in 2014 [Pt. 1]

The 10 fruchtwein Exciting Trends for Women in 2014 Pt. 1 The 10 Most Exciting Trends for Women in 2014 Pt. 1 As a prominent thought leader on the impact of technology on society, work and careers an author of 11 books named 2012 Most Influential Woman in Bay Area Business by the San Francisco Business Times and with a slew of media appearances under her belt, Wilen definitely knows a thing or two about women and the workplace.Read on to discover 10 of the most exciting trends for women and why Wilen believes 2014 will be such an influential year for the ladies.What is womens history month?According to, in 1987, after petitions from the National Womens History Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9, which selected the month of March 1987 as Womens History Month.Wikipedia explains that during this month each year people around the world celebrate the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. The U.S., UK, and Australia all celebrate during the month of March, corresponding withInternational Womens Day on March 8 (which started in 1911).Trend 1 Women sharks on the riseShark Tank is a popular U.S. TV show that showcases a growing trend in the U.S. toward entrepreneurship. Are women participating in this movement?Yes. I am very excited about the reports and updates from the Kaufmann Institute, The Small Business Administration (SBA), and modern day shows like Shark Tank as it confirms that women (and men) of all ages have many career options and starting and owning a business is a viable option.Women-owned businesses present the fastest growing segments in the U.S. economy they grew 44 percent from 1997-2007, which is two times as fast as male owned firms.There are 7.8 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. and 88 percent are small businesses.Around 8.6 million women-owned firms generate 1.3 trillion in revenue and employ 7.8 million people.In the past year, women started more than 200,000 businesses (550 per day/23 hr).VC firms that invest in women-led businesses performed better than all men-led businesses, according to theSBA sekretariat of Advocacy.Trend 2 Women in the drivers seatMary Barra becoming the CEO of General Motors was recent news however, the number of women as CEOs in Fortune 500 firms are not increasing as fast as women hoped. What is your perspective on women taking control of the drivers seat?According to the Catalyst group, women currently hold4.6 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 4.6 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.I think it is important to look at trends that are occurring in real time. For example in the 2000s we have seen women pursue and move into leadership and Fortune 500 firms CEO roles such as-Meg Whitman (Ebay 1998-2008) who ran for governor (2010) and then become the CEO of HP in 2011-Ginny Rommety CEO IBM (2012)-Marisa Mayer CEO Yahoo(2012) and now-Mary Barra (Jan 2014) and upcoming Susan N. Storywill become CEO of American Water Works Comp any, Inc. on May 9, 2014.Just looking at Fortune 500-100 firms, a study by Grant Thornton indicates that pipeline is important- higher percentages increase the likelihood and line positions. Womens expectations have increased. (Women in senior management, 2013)I view that women are moving into the driver seat in Fortune 500 firms but I think they are already there in non- Fortune 500 firms and that is where the job growth is in the U.S. Trend 3 Young firms offer jobs for womenCan you explain your statement on young firms as leadership opportunities for women?I think it is important for us to look at where job creation is coming from for us to understand where the leadership trend is heading and will be in the future. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the younger firms (under 5 years) are the more jobs they create regardless of size.This is an important trend to note because many of us assumed that the only employment is with large firms when in reality the growt h and opportunity is happening with young firms of all sizes.Trend 4 Women are going for the goldWe just watched the Sochi Olympics and you note that women are going for the gold. How so?In the recent Sochi Olympics, a Dutch female athlete won the most medals of any athlete at that Olympic- 2 Gold and 3 silver medals. And, in 2012 the U.S. had more women than men participating in the summer Olympics (269 vs. 261). You might remember that American women teams accounted for 56 percent of the U.S. medals and 66 percent of the gold medals. This challenges three myths about women they dont like to compete, they dont like to win, and they are not team players. Women are going for the gold.Trend 5 Women are becoming tech headsHow have women adapted to technology?The research shows that women are fast adopters of technology, particularly technology that they find useful such as mobile devices, social media, and online shopping. Women also influence consumer electronic purchasing. One of the electronic association notes that 70 percent of jobs by 202 will have a technology component. I think that women adapt and use technology and this is important for employability.Here are a few examplesSeventy-four percent of females use social networking sites vs. 62 percent of men.Women are the top users of Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media on mobile phones.Women influenced $90 billion of consumer electronic purchases in 2007.Women account for 58 percent of all total online spending.Stay tuned for part 2 of this article for the next five trends

Sunday, December 15, 2019

7 horrible ways to lead a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)

7 horrible ways to lead a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)7 horrible ways to lead a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)Leadership is not, Hey, you, go do this thing for me.When we think about leadership, we tend to think in terms of hierarchy - those at the top are considered the leaders and those at the bottom are considered the followers.The problem with this sort of perspective is that, in all honesty, just because you hold a formal position on the ladder does not necessarily mean you are aleader. However, lots and lots of people wear their title and their badge of honor proudly - while at the same time ignoring the fact that they are, in fact, horrible leaders.Dont fall into the trap of doing any of the following, simply because you have a position of power - especially this first one1. You expect others to follow rules that you yourself do not followThis is, bar none, the fruchtwein common mistake in leadership.You cannot, and should not expect others to follow rul es, codes, processes, and all the rest if you cannot follow them yourself.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIf youre not showing up on time, dont expect others to as well. If you arent diligent and organized, dont expect those beneath you to somehow cultivate better habits. When you are a leader, you do not realize how much of an influence you have on your team - even down to the smallest habit.You are the leader for a reason.Everything you do must have purpose, so that those who look to you for guidance will do everything with purpose as well.2. You do not keep your wordThe fastest way to lose respect (and earn resentment) as a leader is to say youre going to do something and then not do it.First and foremost (going back to 1 here), its because it encourages a very bad habit in those around you - If he/she can slack off, so can I.As a leader, it is so crucial that you do the t hings you say you are going to do.And if you cannot do them, you need to communicate that openly to your team in advance. For those looking to rise and become leaders, this is equally important advice.If you want to climb the ranks, this is one of the most effective ways to do it.Keep your word.Thats it.Keep your word and people will soon learn that you can be trusted - they can count on you, no matter what. And that in itself will propel you to where you want to go.3. You do not (genuinely) admit when you are wrongSome leaders believe that admitting when theyre wrong is a sign of weakness.Its not.In fact, being wrong or having made a mistake and yet being incapable of owning up to it reveals an even bigger weakness - and makes your team question whether or not they can trust you.If you make a mistake, or were incorrect about something, just say so.This will establish trust and an even playing field with you and your team, showing them that you embody the same traits you expect of them - a humility to be able to step back and take accountability.4. You make promises you cannot keepThis is a rabbit hole of disaster.There is no worse habit as a leader than making promises you know you cant keep. All this does is welcome in feelings of being let down. And the next time you say youre going to do something for someone, they will not believe you - and even worse, they will become angry at you for thinking you can fool them again and again.Where 2 is about following through with what you say youre going to do on your end, 4 here is about keeping promises that you make to someone else.5. You want to be the starAs a leader, its your job to inspire, guide, direct, teach, motivate, and ultimately help others succeed.Its not to steal the spotlight.The greatest leaders are the ones who, as Steve Jobs so eloquently put it, play the orchestra.Fantastic leaders know how to step back and let others shine.They know how to put others in positions to succeed themselves - whi ch benefits the whole orchestra.However, as long as you want to be the star, with the spotlight on you and no one else, you will squeeze the talent around you and keep it from ever unfolding.6. You criticize others but cannot take criticism yourselfHealthy criticism is how teams members push each other to improve and get better - iron sharpens iron.Harsh criticism is what instills insecurity, fear, and an unwillingness to take chances. If your style of leadership is healthy and positive, expect others to do the same with you - which means you too will continue growing and improving.But if your style of leadership is harsh, then expect the same to come back to you - or worse, cause your entire team to go silent.7. You believe your way is the right (and only) wayAnd finally, the oh-so-debated topic of what is the right way of doing something.The truth is, there are very few things that have just one single right way of doing them. So much of life is subjective, and that goes for th e work we do as well.Creative to one person might be boring to another.Clean and sleek to one is dull and lackluster to another.If you are a leader looking to build and scale your team, it is important to learn and realize that your way is not necessarily the right way. It may be one of the right ways, but it is not the end all.Its important that you acknowledge this otherwise, you will cultivate a team of people who arent searching for the best solution to the problem, but rather the best solution to appeal to your own unique subjective definition of what is right.This article originally appeared on Inc Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people7 horrible ways to le ad a team (and the 1 mistake everyone makes)Leadership is not, Hey, you, go do this thing for me.When we think about leadership, we tend to think in terms of hierarchy - those at the top are considered the leaders and those at the bottom are considered the followers.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe problem with this sort of perspective is that, in all honesty, just because you hold a formal position on the ladder does not necessarily mean you are aleader. However, lots and lots of people wear their title and their badge of honor proudly - while at the same time ignoring the fact that they are, in fact, horrible leaders.Dont fall into the trap of doing any of the following, simply because you have a position of power - especially this first one1. You expect others to follow rules that you yourself do not followThis is, bar none, the most common mistake in leadership.You ca nnot, and should not expect others to follow rules, codes, processes, and all the rest if you cannot follow them yourself.If youre not showing up on time, dont expect others to as well. If you arent diligent and organized, dont expect those beneath you to somehow cultivate better habits. When you are a leader, you do not realize how much of an influence you have on your team - even down to the smallest habit.You are the leader for a reason.Everything you do must have purpose, so that those who look to you for guidance will do everything with purpose as well.2. You do not keep your wordThe fastest way to lose respect (and earn resentment) as a leader is to say youre going to do something and then not do it.First and foremost (going back to 1 here), its because it encourages a very bad habit in those around you - If he/she can slack off, so can I.As a leader, it is so crucial that you do the things you say you are going to do.And if you cannot do them, you need to communicate that o penly to your team in advance. For those looking to rise and become leaders, this is equally important advice.If you want to climb the ranks, this is one of the most effective ways to do it.Keep your word.Thats it.Keep your word and people will soon learn that you can be trusted - they can count on you, no matter what. And that in itself will propel you to where you want to go.3. You do not (genuinely) admit when you are wrongSome leaders believe that admitting when theyre wrong is a sign of weakness.Its not.In fact, being wrong or having made a mistake and yet being incapable of owning up to it reveals an even bigger weakness - and makes your team question whether or not they can trust you.If you make a mistake, or were incorrect about something, just say so.This will establish trust and an even playing field with you and your team, showing them that you embody the same traits you expect of them - a humility to be able to step back and take accountability.4. You make promises yo u cannot keepThis is a rabbit hole of disaster.There is no worse habit as a leader than making promises you know you cant keep. All this does is welcome in feelings of being let down. And the next time you say youre going to do something for someone, they will not believe you - and even worse, they will become angry at you for thinking you can fool them again and again.Where 2 is about following through with what you say youre going to do on your end, 4 here is about keeping promises that you make to someone else.5. You want to be the starAs a leader, its your job to inspire, guide, direct, teach, motivate, and ultimately help others succeed.Its not to steal the spotlight.The greatest leaders are the ones who, as Steve Jobs so eloquently put it, play the orchestra.Fantastic leaders know how to step back and let others shine.They know how to put others in positions to succeed themselves - which benefits the whole orchestra.However, as long as you want to be the star, with the spotl ight on you and no one else, you will squeeze the talent around you and keep it from ever unfolding.6. You criticize others but cannot take criticism yourselfHealthy criticism is how teams members push each other to improve and get better - iron sharpens iron.Harsh criticism is what instills insecurity, fear, and an unwillingness to take chances. If your style of leadership is healthy and positive, expect others to do the same with you - which means you too will continue growing and improving.But if your style of leadership is harsh, then expect the same to come back to you - or worse, cause your entire team to go silent.7. You believe your way is the right (and only) wayAnd finally, the oh-so-debated topic of what is the right way of doing something.The truth is, there are very few things that have just one single right way of doing them. So much of life is subjective, and that goes for the work we do as well.Creative to one person might be boring to another.Clean and sleek to o ne is dull and lackluster to another.If you are a leader looking to build and scale your team, it is important to learn and realize that your way is not necessarily the right way. It may be one of the right ways, but it is not the end all.Its important that you acknowledge this otherwise, you will cultivate a team of people who arent searching for the best solution to the problem, but rather the best solution to appeal to your own unique subjective definition of what is right.This article originally appeared on Inc Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Resumes Online and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Resumes Online and How to Avoid It As a job applicant, your intent is to leave a constructive and lasting impression on your prospective employer. Though online recruitments advantages cant be denied, its also important to start looking into its disadvantages. With JotForm, the hiring process needs to be seamless and effortless. Also will give suggestions and strategies to come up with your own resume. To make things easy, simple look the quantity of time theyve spent in the cell app development business and have a look at the kind of work theyve done previously. Managers wish to employ individuals who are likely to make their lives easier. With the economy the way its, people that are outof work are having a difficult time finding new work and. People today wish to employ people they know. Download a printable Marshalls employment form so that you are able to apply today. It may be wise to try to remember that a few firms have distinct name s for the specific same standing. Make koranvers it stands out to employers rather than having a generic edition. The employers search for the Resumes that are simple, to the point, nor contain the bulk of unwarranted particulars about your fishing abilities The Awful Side of Resumes Online Resume Builder is an internet tool that can help you produce your resume quickly and professionally. You will be glad to know that there are going to be examples of resumes that you may look at to receive a notion of the greatest template to use. A fill-in template may be wonderful tool to offer you a head start with. There are several kinds of Free Resum. Free resume review beforehand. There are an assortment of absolutely free resumetemplates and resumebuilder programs out there. Download the internet Casino software today and you may play our completely free casino online, and be on your way to the fun and excitement of Vegas style internet casino gamingMany professional resume maker s are available on the internet. A good way to receive a professional looking resume is with the assistance of Free Resume App. The very best place for finding resumes online is on the internet sites that are directly linked to the particular career field. In the last couple of decades, some huge organizations have begun to ask job applicants to submit their resumes online. The Unusual Secret of Resumes Online Getting specialist help can provide you a competitive edge and in the majority of circumstances the price of the service is tax deductible. A web-based search is the perfect way to find a trustworthy rehab staffing company. Buying groups might be valuable resource for market intelligence. The purchasing group utilizes industry experts to negotiate the best deals for the group, letting the independent owner time to focus on core enterprise. What employers want is a degree of comfort that youre not likely to be an issue in their opinion. Theres certainly nothing wrong with employees seeking out other possible jobs, but most employees do not want to help it become common knowledge when theyre thinking of leaving their company. Your experience and knowledge could be exactly the kind of help a committee requirements. For certain managerial positions, candidates may want to reveal further educational qualifications as well as extensive experience. Thus, the essay for our staff it is simpler than ever. Volunteers are required to help keep pages current. Submit your resume based on the directions on the job posting. As soon as you have created a resume employing a work search engine resume builder, the website will make it possible for you to share it Free online resume builder, allows you to make a perfect resume minutes. When reading resumes, employers generally are seeking hard data and data. It is possible to get started adding information from your FB account or extra details such as skills, key values, education information, etc.. In the majority of cases information like the name, address and present employer is going to be kept confidential. Be clear about job titles So long as youre not exaggerating, utilize a work title that is likely to make clear what you did at an earlier organization.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Neutral Perspective on Resume Writing past Tense or Present

A Neutral Perspective on Resume Writing past Tense or Present Resume Writing past Tense or Present Options Fiction writing is far outside my field of expertise, but I feel its interesting enough to be well worth discussing, and I welcome your comments if you would like to increase the discussion. Lets say you have to purchase essay for college. Writing a resume can be highly technical and theres frequently an appropriate means to do it. Writing resumes can at times feel overwhelming. Hiring managers wish to get to know you as an individual. Your CV is the initial step for your fantasy job as its the first matter to be noticed by the recruiters and by thinking about the different CVs they shortlist the candidates from a range of applications theyve attained. Resumes are the absolute most important part of the work search process its the very first thing hiring managers or recruiters will see to learn about your skills associated with the job which you are applying for. They should never be written in third person. If your dates listed beside the work title are in years past write before. Selecting the correct tense is important once youre beginning to compose a resume and apply to jobs. The Fight Against Resume Writing past Tense or Present Each phrase needs to be direct and concise. The present tense is utilized to express anything thats happening now or past in the current moment. The present tense is utilized to express anything thats happening now or occurring in the current moment. As an issue of fact, it is a perfectly acceptable bit of writing. The ideal part is frequently the most challenging to comprehend, so here is a brief overview. It is often the most challenging past understand, so heres a brief overview. In case it says you are working at the position, you might use the present tense. For instance, if youve had multiple positions within exactly the same company, it can occasionally look strange to have both past and present tense for work that has essentially the very same job title but various roles. Youre not in the work anymore, its in your past. Everyone can say he or she excelled at her or his final job. The Ultimate Resume Writing past Tense or Present Trick Even powerful verbs can acquire boring if seen too frequently, however, so make an effort not to repeat one in the very same block of text or paragraph. If you arent sure which words to use, find keywords in the work description. The present participle is identical for all pronouns. The issue is the misuse of the word, which may only be caught by an educated reader. Employing different tenses in writing helps hiring managers to know quickly what you are presently doing versus what youve done without needing to examine dates. Help permits you to be more resume in your range of verbs. When you add the new one, each one of the tenses want to get changed to past. Above all, you ought to be consistent with tense tenses. What to Expec t From Resume Writing past Tense or Present? You may also stand out with a distinctive voice. Should you do, it is going to sound false and come across as though you are earning a speech Attempt to share in as many conversations as possible with different folks, either face-to-face or on the telephone. Resume isnt a name or titleit doesnt need to get capitalized. The Ultimate Resume Writing past Tense or Present Trick If thats the case, present tense would make a huge option. Resume action words offer a number of advantages. The crucial feature is its extra completely free chips and credits added to the starting balance at no cost. While chronological the default, it isnt always the best method to create your case.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Top Presume Vs Assume Secrets

Top Presume Vs Assume Secrets All About Presume Vs Assume More so than most people today realize. Theres a great deal of mixing of neighbors. Each congregation ought to have a group of shepherds. An important advantage of skip levels is the chance to form real connections. Theres no philanthropisch possibility whatsoever if we presume to understand the limits of human nature. When theres a proof or a probability, its presumed. If youve got the ability to artificially suppress the cost and release that suppression at your leisure then you stand to earn a sizeable fortune once the flood gates open. If you may say I gave the most effective possible account of myself, you may rest easy, regardless of what the outcome. Whenever fantastic data is available, they ought to certainly inform decisions. When index needs change and you would like to test how removing an index will influence performance, youve got two options youll be able to disable or drop the index. Set top 3 goals for the next calendar year, and systems do you should follow for each of them. When you decide which one is appropriate for you, there are plenty of things you ought to keep in mind. Several things will change about work later on, but a lot of things arent going to. Sure, its a different type of pleasure, but its one the best things Ive ever done. You can wind up in a web of tutorials where youre attempting to understand a lot only to grasp 1 concept Kubernetes. Things You Should Know About Presume Vs Assume For instance, if you receive a telephone call then it might be assumed that it might be a companion. The wealthy and the poor are not intrinsically equal to one another. Skin care proved to be a legendary masterpiece. The biggest thing you have to know is that you are going to have to sacrifice a great deal, especially in the very first month. Life, Death and Presume Vs Assume In the very first instance, it might not be any decision of the relative to decide to consent to first aid therapy. Even if it doesnt look as they are absorbing the information, they might just be doing only that Nearly every very first aid treatment will just extend life, in distribution policy of definitively save it, which means that you are usually not breaking the advance directive. In addition, there are some cases where the very first aider may need to exercise a degree of judgment in treating a victim who might initially refuse. Lets look at it The simple question at issue in the contemporary origins debate is whether the world was made. Somebodys state is their neurophysiological combination at that moment. Lets take an actual proposal. Though theres no evidence of somebodys innocence, the court system intentionally presumes their innocence at the start of a trial. The truth is your very best advocate. For many theres a feeling of finality in case of retirement and a frightening feeling that the door to a meaningful life is currently closed. The examples be low can help you to comprehend the significance of presume better. Dont frame the individual or the fact of the situation in fabricated contexts. The adverbial form, obviously, is assumedly. The reply ought to be obvious by now. Both is a fair answer.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Learning a Trade You May Still Want to Earn a Bachelors Degree

Learning a Trade You May Still Want to Earn a Bachelors Degree Learning a Trade You May Still Want to Earn a Bachelors Degree The trades industry is hot.According to Tradesmen International, some of the fruchtwein common jobs for craftsmen are projected toexperience double-digit growth by 2024. For example, openings for millwrights are expected to rise by 15.2 percent, openings for electrician helpers by 18 percent, and openings for solar photovoltaic installers by a whopping 24.3 percentIts no wonder many people seegoing into a trade as a great way to secure lucrative employment without incurring the high costs of student debt.That said,just because you are entering the trades, that doesnt mean you wont want to earn a degree at some point. As with any career, you probably do not want to stay at the bottomof the industrys ladder for very long. You will want to take on managerial and supervisory roles at some point. To move up, your employer may prefer you have a degree.For example, when I conducted a recent online search for roles in construction management and related positions - e.g., foreman, superintendent, project manager, etc. - I found the majority ofthe job announcements wanted someone with a four-year college degree. According to O*Net, 76 percent of construction management roles require a bachelors degree, 12 percent require some college, and 4 percent require a post-secondary certificate of some sort.Another thing to consider is that many jobs in the trades industry are tough on your back and joints. As you get older, you may find you are struggling to perform tasks at the desired level of skill and efficiency. If you are injured and cannot work at peak performance, moving into a supervisory or leadership role will give you a way to continue working and earning while also sharing your expertise with others.I have also seen many skilled tradespeople move into teaching careers. With the increasing demand for plumbers, vehicle painters, bricklayers, and so on, there is an increased need for instructors to teach the next generation of tradespeople how to do these jobs. If you want to undertake a teaching role, be prepared to earn a bachelors or masters degree before you get hired.Other Ways to Set Yourself ApartEarning your college degree can be a path tocareer advancement and increased earning potential in the trades, but its not the only way to set yourself unbekannt from other similarly skilledworkers.Once you have a job in the trades, you will want to continue to gain experience in your industry. Seek out additional responsibility by volunteering to lead projects and teams. Obtain the OSHA certifications required for your industry, and learn to use the software and tools necessary to perform your dutiesto the best of your ability.Brush up on your soft skills as well. Active listening, critical thinking, speaking, and complex problem-solving are just a few of the soft skills employers like to see in tradespeople. Ensure your resume shows you can communicate effectively with supervisors and peers, resolve conflicts, negotiate with others, orchestrate schedules, and make decisions.- Think about your long-term career growth when you seek employment in the trades industry. Stay abreast of changes in your career, such as new technologies designed to automate some or all of your tasks. If you want to stay employed in a trade for the long haul, youll need a plan for moving from performing the task to being the one who supervises it.Ensure you are ready to move up by knowing what employers want. Be suspicious of those who tell you you wont need to do any additional training or studying to rise through the ranks. Your current supervisor who doesnt care about your lack of degree may not be your supervisor forever. Plan for long-term growth by taking control of your career trajectory.Jaynine Howardis a military veteran whose work as a career strategist and reinvention specialist has been recognized by professiona l organizations throughout the nation.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 ways to power up your work breakfast

5 ways to power up your work breakfast5 ways to power up your work breakfastTheres no doubt breakfast isthe most important meal of the day. And with that being said, we should always strive to make the most out of the days first meal. After all, we have to get all the energy and brain power we need to tackle the tasks that lie ahead.It all boils down to how we choose breakfast food that enhances our productivity throughout the day. In these times when daily dietary requirements are changing, it pays to be meticulous about the things we eat.Here are just some of the most effective ways to turn any breakfast into a power meal.Pour-over coffeeMany people who have to work 8 to 9-hour shifts understand the importance of coffee. If anything, a great deal of them just cant go through the day without having a hot cup of joe. But although machine-brewed coffee offers a convenient way to kickstart the morning, you can totenstill use amanual coffee dripperto prepare something bolder and aromati c. For one,poured over coffeebrings out the full flavour of every bean. But on top of providing a richer taste, it also activates essential antioxidants your body needs for cell regeneration.Prioritize potassiumIf you are an athlete in training, a power breakfast should always include potassium-rich sources. Potassium, after all, contains electrolytes, and no other food contains this essential element more than bananas. Yes, those elements found in your favourite sports drinks are also found in a fruit. To give your banana-infused breakfast a good boost, make a smoothie by mixing together some fruit yogurt and a banana in a blender to create a refreshing and healthy drink.OatmealI know what you are thinking This is not the early 20th century True, but you have to realize that diets back then were based mostly on carbohydrates, and people had yet to mass produce cereals and other breakfast goodies. In this sense, oatmeal is still an important early morning meal as it packs all the en ergy you need to get you through the day. If people in the 1920s would still do well in their careers with oatmeal as a primary breakfast component, then you wont have to worry about surviving the verlottern grind with beloved brands like Quaker and Mornflake.Quinoa and fruit porridgeWho doesnt like quinoa? Another timeless breakfast staple, these grains are a good way to fuel your mind and body with essential elements such as folate and magnesium, which go hand in hand in keeping the body fit, no matter the situation. Whats more,quinoa is also rich in antioxidantsand, coupled with your favourite berries in a bowl of hot porridge, it can give you a good boost.Whole wheat breadWant a good dessert to go with your fruit porridge? You can always add a slice of whole wheat bread to your meal to complete your morning. Give it a dab of margarine or strawberry jam and you will have a delicious after-breakfast treat without the excessive calories.This article was originally posted on YourCof

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Buyer and Seller

Buyer and Seller Buyer and Seller Buyer and Seller Our relationships with other people can be difficult or pleasant. We choose our friends because we enjoy their company. In business, our relationships are matters of trade. We sell to people or we pay them. Of course, as we all know, it isnt quite that simpleor as cold. We swap ideas and favors, too. Some business associates become fast friends. But even in relationships that are solely commercial, the values of human civilityhonesty, paying attention, and mutual respectstill apply. An effective relationship with a respectable supplier can be a considerable strategic asset to a business. Ive put together a short collection of experiences that have informed my thinking about supplier relationships. The first story captures the best a supplier relationship can offer. The remaining stories represent various forms of dysfunction. Listening Trouble I had a product that was experiencing increasing demand, becoming more popular with several of our clients. This necessitated an increase in production volume and created an opportunity to improve the product to meet customer expectations while decreasing cost. One feature of this product, a weighted base, was originally designed as a machined aluminum plate bolted to a machined steel plate, each individually produced on a three-axis machining center. Expensive materials, significant waste, machine time, consumablesit wasnt surprising that the cost for these parts was a significant fraction of the whole. The main purpose of these plates was to lower the products center of mass in order to provide tip-over protection. These parts had an elaborately shaped center cutout and a dozen tapped holes that formed the complete part. After some thought, it became clear that some small changes to the product design would allow us to replace the aluminum and steel plates with a single iron casting. With care, the casting could have the required shape, and require no machining or other operations beyond adding the threaded holes. The threaded holes could be added at little cost, using appropriate fixtures and low-cost labor and equipment. The part was quite simple and represented no special foundry challenges beyond a few considerations when choosing gate locations. All that remained at this point was to find a foundry and work with it to ensure that the part was produced to specification. The difficulty proved to be in finding a foundry that would spend the time necessary to understand the parts role so they could make tradeoffs as required. Listening was hard to come by, even at the quantities I required. Most foundries I contacted would glance at the part drawing, insist some change or other was necessary before they could produce the part, and hang up. Later, they quoted prices contingent on their preferred change. I couldnt get a word in edgewise. Now, feedback from someone in the business can be very valuable, and changing a part design to fit a suppliers processes can create value for seller and buyer. However, in the present instance, without understanding the part well enough, the suggested supplier-specific changes were unworkable. After some effort, I located a foundry in a neighboring state. The president of this foundry listened for the few minutes necessary to understand the role the part had to play in the product. He made some suggestions for part changes, which would facilitate production in his facility on his equipment and decrease his cost while working within design requirements. Not surprisingly, the cost he quoted based on the big picture was quite good by comparison with other foundries. The parts performed exactly as required from the first article. The part has been in continuous production since that time. I received the benefit of the suppliers experience. His suggestion improved the manufacturability of my product in ways that allowed him to quote a lower price than his competitors did and improve his ability to manufacture the part consistently. This brief interaction, taking only a few minutes, improved the profit margin on my product and won this foundry a consistent, lucrative contract. Several of the other foundries lost this job on their unwillingness to see the big picture. That story ended with the formation of a good relationship. Here are a couple of examples of supplier relationships gone awry. Sold on a Mold Some time ago, a client walked into the office spilling over with excitement. This client had built a very successful business and was constantly looking for ways to improve his product and profitability. The reason for his enthusiasm was a small stack of square and round plates he was carrying in his hand. This particular stack of plates was, in fact, an important component of a vending machine coin acceptor. Originally, the acceptor had been stamped entirely from mild steel on a set of progressive dies. These stamped steel parts had several benefits. The end result was strong and wear-resistant. The manufacturing cycle times were short. (A relatively inexpensive press can churn out hundreds of parts a minute.) Tooling was relatively inexpensive. This component had one significant drawback in this business owners eyes. The square plates in this stack were separated from each other by standoffs riveted to the corner of each plate. This client had been looking for ways to save the time and labor involved in placing and riveting these standoffs. He happened into a conversation with the operator of an injection molding house and was persuaded that he could save the cost of assembly by redesigning the square plate so that it could be injection molded. This necessitated an investment in new tooling, and an increase in material and process cost over the current part, but, thanks to the lower assembly cost, the redesign would represent a net savings. The part was redesigned, the mold was made, the new part had just gone into production, and he had the first article in his hand. There was one problem. The steel disks wore against the filled nylon squares, which did not offer the stiffness of the original part. Likely, neither the molder nor the owner recognized this problem, but the new parts did not offer the longevity or robustness of the original. This client was left with some very difficult decisions because he had allowed the supplier to choose the process for him. Whats more, the original progressive die that cut the square plate could have been altered to include a feature that would take the place of the standoff, at very little additional cost and at much lower risk. Cheated Out of a Win I had the privilege, some years ago, of working with an exceptional engineer who was also a world-class athlete. Not surprisingly, he began producing and marketing improved sports equipment. Soon the demand for his products increased to a point that he needed to outsource the critical manufacturing steps. He located a manufacturer overseas, finalized negotiations, signed agreements, and delivered molds and specifications. A short time later, products began to arrive. After a while, the quality of the products started to decline. The manufacturer was substituting substandard materials. Shortly afterward, products made correctly and with quality materials on the engineers own molds came on the market under a competing label. Lacking capital to pursue a difficult and expensive legal course of action, he was forced to abandon the product entirely. Knowledgeable, reputable suppliers provide expertise, and understand the strengths and limitations of their processes. A solid supplier network, like a well-trained staff, is a valuable asset. Also, exceptional suppliers, like exceptional employees, cost less in the long run, even if they dont cost the least up front. [Adapted from Buyer and Seller, by Jamie Nichol, Gordon Nichol Co. LLC, for Mechanical Engineering, February 2009.] An effective relationship with a respectable supplier can be a considerable strategic asset to a business.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

3 Myths About Private Equity

3 Myths About Private Equity 3 Myths About Private Equity Given all the coverage of private equity now that former big-time PE investor Willard Mitt  Romney (yes, Willard is his first name) appears to be the eventual GOP presidential nominee, I thought I’d clear a few things up about the industry. Myth #1: Private equity investors like to fire people- and, in fact, that’s the main part of their jobs. Untrue. Private equity firms (and thus their employees) are simply in the business of making money. That’s it. They’re not out to slash jobs. Nor are they out to create them. Private equity investors- similar to individual and institutional investors who purchase shares of publicly-traded companies in hopes that they increase in value so they can pocket some cash- buy ownership stakes in private companies in hopes that these companies will increase in value, thus reaping significant rewards. In both instances- public and private equity investing- the name of the game is buy low and sell high. Which, in private equity investing, might mean buying an ailing company and turning it around by merging it with a healthier company in order to create cost-saving synergies, resulting in the loss of jobs. But it also might mean buying a company in order to grow it organically to increa se its value, thus creating more jobs. In any case, private equity is neither as pernicious as Mitt Romney’s fellow Republican candidates would have you believe, nor as altruistic as Mitt and others in the PE industry would like you to think. Myth #2: Private equity firms are solely made up of elitist, Ivy League graduates who used to worked in investment banking. Untrue. Although there are scores of blue-blooded Harvard and Yale men in the world of PE (Blackstone’s CEO Steve Schwarzman, who attended Yale, has an MBA from Harvard, and formerly worked for Lehman Brothers, is but one example of an Ivy-educated ex-Wall Streeter), there are several PE men from small liberal arts schools such as California’s Claremont McKenna College. Or, at least, there are two PE men with degrees from Claremont McKenna: Henry Kravis and George Roberts, who happen to be two of the three founders of perhaps the most well known PE firm on the planet, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. KKR’s other founder, Jerome Kohlberg, did his undergraduate work at Swarthmore. (All three- K, K, and R- also once worked together in the wild world of investment banking: for the now-defunct Bear Stearns Co. in the 1970s). Perhaps more to the point, PE firms are in creasingly not simply hiring young talent out of top investment banking analyst and associate programs (which, yes, are largely made up of graduates of Ivy League and other top-tier schools) but from various industries in which PE firms would like to invest. For example, if a PE firm is interested in investing in health care firms, they might want to hire an expert in operating health care firms, as opposed to an expert in creating Excel models for health care mergers and acquisitions. And so, if you either did not make the investment banking cut out of college or grad school, or had no interest in making the cut, and now find yourself wanting to follow in the footsteps of Romney, Schwarzman, Kohlberg, Kravis, or Roberts, you still might have a very good shot at scoring a coveted PE position. I should also point out, though, that since a majority of significant PE deals are sourced through investment banks (which are typically contracted to sell the largest private companies) connec tions in the banking world do matter- a lot. It’s also necessary to point out that PE is still very much a white male-dominated profession, much more so than the largely white male-dominated investment banking industry. Myth #3: Working in private equity is cool because you pay almost no taxes.Untrue. Like Mitt Romney came clean about yesterday, most PE investors pay taxes, albeit at a lower rate than many other Americans (Mitt says his effective rate is 15 percent). Why PE investors pay a lower rate is because a significant portion of their income is taxed at the capital gains rate of 15 percent, versus the ordinary income rate of 35 percent. The portion that PE investors are taxed at the lower rate is called “carried interest,” which is the 20 percent or so fee PE firms earn if their funds increase in value. Let’s back up a bit. PE firms typically raise funds before they begin investing in private companies. The money they raise mostly comes from large entities such as endowments and pensions. So, say, after a PE firm has raised a fund worth a few billion dollars, that it buys a private company with money from one of these funds and, when it sells the company five years later, makes a profit of $500 million. Of these profits, 80 percent, or $400 million, go back to the funds’ investors (the endowments and pensions), while the PE firm keeps 20 percent, or $100 million, which is then split among the PE firm’s partners. It is this money that is taxed at the capital gains rate of 15 percent. And, while many people (mainly PE investors) maintain that carried interest should be taxed like investment proceeds (at the capital gains rate) since it comes with significant risk like an investment, there are others (inside and outside of PE and finance; Warren Buffet is one well known example) who believe that PE investors are taking advantage of a tax loophole by paying taxes at the capital gains rate, as opposed to the ordinary income rate, on carried interest. Buffett and others argue that carried interest is not an investment but, in fact, income, because it’s a fee for a service. In any case, with Romney likely the man on the GOP ticket come November, and with his tax ra te now out in the open, it’s a sure bet this topic will be a hotly debated one leading up to the 2012 election.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The 10 unmistakable habits of irresistible people

The 10 unmistakable habits of irresistible people The 10 unmistakable habits of irresistible people Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural, unteachable traits that belong only to a lucky few - the good looking, the fiercely social, and the incredibly talented. It’s easy to fall prey to this misconception.Some people, regardless of what they lack - money, looks, or social connections - always radiate with energy and confidence. Even the most skeptical individuals find themselves enamored with these charming individuals.These people are the life of every party. They’re the ones you turn to for help, advice, and companionship.You just can’t get enough of them, and they leave you asking yourself, “What do they have that I don’t? What makes them so irresistible?”The difference? Their sense of self-worth comes from within.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Irresistible people aren’t constantly searching for validation , because they’re confident enough to find it in themselves. There are certain habits they pursue every day to maintain this healthy perspective.Since being irresistible isn’t the result of dumb luck, it’s time to study the habits of irresistible people so that you can use them to your benefit.Get ready to say “hello” to a new, more irresistible you.They focus on people more than anything elseIrresistible people possess an authentic interest in those around them. As a result, they don’t spend much time thinking about themselves. They don’t obsess over how well they’re liked, because they’re too busy focusing on the people they’re with. It’s what makes their irresistibility seem so effortless.To put this habit to work for you, try putting down the smartphone and focusing on the people you’re with. Focus on what they’re saying, not what your response will be, or how what they’re saying will affect you. When people tell you something about themselves, follow up with open-ended questions to draw them out even more.They are authenticIrresistible people are who they are. Nobody has to burn up energy or brainpower trying to guess their agenda or predict what they’ll do next. They do this because they know that no one likes a fake.People gravitate toward authentic individuals because they know they can trust them. It’s easy to resist someone when you don’t know who they really are and how they really feel.They find reasons to love lifeIrresistible people are positive and passionate. They’re never bored, because they see life as an amazing adventure and approach it with a joy that other people want to be a part of.It’s not that irresistible people don’t have problems - even big ones - but they approach problems as temporary obstacles, not inescapable fate. When things go wrong, they remind themselves that a bad day is just one day, and they keep hope that tomorrow or next week or next month will be better.They ditch the small t alkThere’s no surer way to prevent an emotional connection from forming during a conversation than by sticking to small talk. When you robotically approach people with small talk this puts their brains on autopilot and prevents them from having any real affinity for you. Irresistible people create connection and find depth even in short, everyday conversations. Their genuine interest in other people makes it easy for them to ask good questions and relate what they’re told to other important facets of the speaker’s life.They treat EVERYONE with respectWhether interacting with their biggest client or a server taking their drink order, irresistible people are unfailingly polite and respectful. They understand that - no matter how nice they are to the person they’re having lunch with - it’s all for naught if that person witnesses them behaving badly toward someone else. Irresistible people treat everyone with respect because they believe they’re no better than anyone else. They have integrityPeople with high integrity are irresistible because they walk their talk, plain and simple. Integrity is a simple concept but a difficult thing to practice. To demonstrate integrity every day, irresistible people follow through, they avoid talking bad about other people, and they do the right thing, even when it hurts.They don’t try too hardIrresistible people don’t dominate the conversation with stories about how smart and successful they are. It’s not that they’re resisting the urge to brag. The thought doesn’t even occur to them because they know how unlikeable people are who try too hard to get others to like them.They smilePeople naturally (and unconsciously) mirror the body language of the person they’re talking to. If you want people to find you irresistible, smile at them during conversations and they will unconsciously return the favor and feel good as a result.They make an effort to look their best (just not too much of an effort)There’s a massive difference between being presentable and being vain. Irresistible people understand that making an effort to look your best is comparable to cleaning your house before company comes - it’s a sign of respect for others. But once they’ve made themselves presentable, they stop thinking about it.They recognize the difference between fact and opinionIrresistible people handle controversial topics and touchy subjects with grace and poise. They don’t shrink from sharing their opinions, but they make it clear that they’re opinions, not facts. Whether discussing global warming, politics, vaccine schedules, or GMO foods, irresistible people recognize that many people who are just as intelligent as they see things differently.Bringing it all togetherIrresistible people did not have fairy godmothers hovering over their cribs. They’ve simply perfected certain appealing qualities and habits that anyone can adopt as their own.They think about other people more than they think ab out themselves, and they make other people feel liked, respected, understood, and seen. Just remember: the more you focus on others, the more irresistible you’ll be.Travis Bradberry is the co-author of  Emotional Intelligence 2.0  and the co-founder of  TalentSmart.This  column  first appeared on  LinkedIn.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, November 17, 2019

6 Tips for Dealing with Insomnia During a Job Search

6 Tips for Dealing with Insomnia During a Job Search 6 Tips for Dealing with Insomnia During a Job Search Talk about an unwanted cycle. Anxiety over finding a position can keep job seekers up at night, and then failure to get proper rest can make it harder to conduct a productive search the next day. How can you get the ZZZs you need to perform your best when dealing with insomnia? Try these tips for dealing with insomnia  during a job search: 1. Schedule downtime. Don’t expect your brain to switch gears immediately. Performing tasks right up until bedtime may seem admirable, but it likely will do more harm than good. Instead, quit at least an hour or so before you want to sleep. Choose a relaxing activity such as reading or listening to music to destress. Turn off electronics, even if you only intend to mindlessly surf or go on Facebook. According to Harvard, the blue light emitted may interfere with sleepiness. 2. Develop a routine. Just as a cup of coffee and a ready to-do list gets you going in the morning, establishing cues in the evening can help with relaxation. A regular cup of chamomile tea and a crossword puzzle might become your go-to signal to unwind. 3. Watch caffeine intake. Speaking of drinks, keep an eye on caffeinated beverages in terms of amount and time of consumption. The Sleep Foundation says that  caffeine may help with alertness during the day, but taking in too much of this stimulant or ingesting it too close to bedtime can wreak havoc on sleep. And avoid this common trap: depending on caffeine to stay awake after a poor night’s rest, which then leads to another bout of sleeplessness, which encourages drinking an extra cup the next day, and so on. 4. Exercise. Yoga, a trip to the gym, or even a brisk walk around the neighborhood- all will help put your body and mind in a better state. Studies show that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a week provides a 65 percent improvement in sleep quality.  Just make sure you get that Pilates class in at least three hours before you intend to go to bed. 5. Perform a mind dump. Find yourself stressing as you try to unwind? Grab a paper and pen to jot down anything and everything that comes into your head. Don’t evaluate what you write; save that for tomorrow. When the name of that new company to check out is safely on paper, you can stop worrying that you’ll forget it. 6. Ban job hunting in the bedroom. The last thing you need in the middle of the night is to see a stack of resumes on your dresser or your laptop sitting on the floor next to you. Consider your bedroom a sanctuary where you can retreat after a productive day. You’ve earned a good night of sleep! Readers, do you think dealing with insomnia impacts  hinders your  job search? What do you do to make sure you get enough sleep?

Friday, November 15, 2019

How to Deal With Rejection During a Career Change

How to Deal With Rejection During a Career Change How to Deal With Rejection During a Career Change Dealing constructively with rejection is an important part of almost any job hunt, but especially when youre making a career change. When you switch industries or take on a role that doesnt quite fit with your previous experience, you have to be prepared for some pushback. According to psychologist Guy Winch, the same areas of the brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain. Indeed, the responses are so similar that over-the-counter painkillers have proven effective in lessening the emotional impact of rejection in controlled experiments. That said, dont reach for the paracetamol just yet. If you want to conquer your fear of rejection and change careers successfully, youll need to focus on your mindset. Here are some valuable lessons Ive learned about rejection during my own professional journey. Maybe theyll help you, too: 1. Ask for Feedback and Use It to Your Advantage Sometimes, your application will be met by an automated rejection email with no reply-to address. That is of no use to you. Trash the email immediately and put it out of your mind. However, in instances where you can actually  talk to a person on the other end, take the opportunity to ask for honest feedback and be open to receiving it. When you have insider knowledge about why you didnt advance, you can address the issue to ensure it doesnt happen again. Whether its a poorly presented resume, a lack of experience, or an interview question you mishandled, almost any problem a recruiter or hiring manager can highlight will be helpful to your future success, as long as youre not defensive about it. 2. Wait Before Replying to a Rejection Email This will give you the distance and perspective you need to compose a measured response, which will reflect positively on you if you apply with the same company in the future. I once sat through a particularly tense interview where there was a slight language barrier between the assistant hiring manager and myself. I was struggling to find common ground, but I saw her open up a bit when I spoke about my struggle with perfectionism. So, I expanded on the topic when she asked me to tell her about a weakness. A few days later, I got a rejection email from my recruiter. He told me the interviewer had named my tendency to become easily distracted by minutiae as a concern. I was stunned. That wasnt at all what I had said during the interview! Writing back almost immediately, I was polite but made it clear the interviewer had misunderstood me. It was hard to make peace with being disqualified because of a misinterpretation, but once I did, I regretted that email to my recruiter. Had I given myself a day or two to think things through, I mightve sent a more strategic response. Instead, I got defensive and forgot to ask him about other openings. 3. Spot the Blessings in Disguise My friend Cindy loves to spot the blessings in disguise, no matter the situation. Your house could fall to pieces while you slept, and shed still find a way to spin it into a blessing. That wasnt the house for you, she might say. This was your way out. It took me a long time, but eventually I came to understand Cindys point of view, which has  helped me stay centered in times of both personal and professional disappointment. I now see  my fumbled answer to the weakness question as proof positive that blessings in disguise exist. It stopped me from getting a position I was never actually enthusiastic about to begin with, and which I certainly wouldnt want today. When youre absolutely committed to a career change, the right opportunity will come to you - even if you have to change direction halfway or make a mistake during an interview to find it. As for the rejection letters, go-nowhere phone calls, and unreceptive hiring managers youll encounter along the way? All blessings, constantly rerouting you toward better things. 4. Watch Out for Micro-Rejections in Your Personal Life Sometimes, the greatest resistance you come up against during a career  change isnt from recruiters or employers but from the people whose support you were counting on most. A close friend at work may feel threatened by your abandoning the herd and consequently ignore the topic altogether. A family member may respond with a dismissive chuckle if you say youre going back to school for your dream degree. They may seem benign, but repeated micro-rejections like these can do real damage over time. If there is a person in your life who is prone to this kind of behavior, you probably already know who they are. Perhaps this is the moment to reevaluate just what information you want to share with them going forward. Besides, as you focus your energies on revamping your resume, job hunting, and preparing for interviews, youll find you wont have time for people who arent prepared to support you. Not receiving the encouragement you expected from people whose input you value is disheartening, but it need not be discouraging. In fact, persevering in spite of anothers lack of belief or backing is a common theme of success stories. If youre truly committed to your career change, you have to get confident and secure enough in own your ideas that other peoples hang-ups dont slow you down. Rui Betencourt is the editor of Follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Advice for Writing a Recommendation Letter

Advice for Writing a Recommendation Letter Advice for Writing a Recommendation Letter A recommendation letter plays a specific role in the world of Human Resources and employment. Its occasionally needed but never preferred. Employers would rather speak directly with the former supervisors of their prospective employees. However, employers realize that direct communication is not always possible in todays hectic work world, hence the importance of the recommendation letter. The true value of a recommendation letter is that it will last  forever and while its contents may not apply years after the recommendation letter is written, a recommendation letter can be a potential gift for a valued employee. Written on company stationery, with a clearly printed address and contact information, the recommendation letter provides a sometimes needed boost to an applicant’s credentials. As an employer, especially if you anticipate a job change, do your exiting employees a favor- supply the employee with a recommendation letter. Contents of the Recommendation Letter A recommendation letter is a snapshot of an employee’s performance at a certain moment in time. Consequently, give thought and care to how you write this letter and to how the information you provide will affect the reader. Also, follow your company policy in regards to a recommendation letter, if a policy exists. You might even want to ask your Human Resources department to review your recommendation letter so youre certain youre protecting your company’s best interests- as well as your own. Consider the following guidelines when constructing your employees letter of recommendation: Prepare  the letter on original company stationery with printed address, phone, email, and additional contact information in a standard business letter format. You can provide the employee with several copies of the recommendation letter on stationery in a stationery envelope.  Address the recommendation letter to the specific employer who is requesting the recommendation letter, or to whom the employee plans to send the recommendation letter. If the recommendation letter is generic, address the letter to: To Whom It May Concern. Sign the recommendation letter in ink and include your name, job title, phone extension, and email address.Begin with: This is a letter of recommendation for the Employee’s Name.Describe your relationship with the employee, the employee’s job title, and the department where the employee worked. For example, “I was Mark’s supervisor when he worked as a skilled trades machine operator in the Lather Department at Alcon Tool.”Describe the key responsibilities of the employee’s job. For example, “Mark’s main responsibilities were operating they xyz machine, maintaining company tools and equipment, creating a safe and well-kept work area, troubleshooting machine problems, serving as the day shift team leader and filling in for me  as substitute supervisor in my absence. He also served as the head of the employee involvement team. In the main body of the recommendation letter, provide your overall assessment of the employee’s contribution and value. The statement should reflect that the assessment is for Mark’s performance at a certain point in time. For example, “Mark was a valued employee who contributed well above the norm when he worked in my department. This was apparent in how he handled his assignments and in his leadership roles.”State why Mark left your employment in the recommendation letter if the reasons are supportive of Marks next employment opportunity. For example, “Mark left Alcon Tool to accept the position of supervisor at another company. A supervisor job would not have been available here for several years.” Finish the recommendation letter on a positive note. For example, “We were sorry to see Mark Alcon Tool but wished him all the best in his new job as supervisor.”Finally, state that the potential employer can contact you if he or she needs additional information. Sign and complete the recommendation letter. And dont forget when the letter is complete to place a  copy of the recommendation letter  in the employee’s personnel file.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sleeping in this position may hurt your relationship

Sleeping in this position may hurt your relationship Sleeping in this position may hurt your relationship We now know that sleeping in a certain position can have adverse effects on your health as well as your motivation and overall mood when you wake up but it turns out, the direction you face when you sleep can literally have an impact on your romantic relationship. Whoa.According to that same survey by The Sleep Judge of  1,021 people if you and your partner sleep back to back 11% said they were unsatisfied with the relationship. This was the highest  level of unsatisfaction (11%) compared to couples that slept in the spooning position, both facing the same direction (AKA loose spooning) and both on their stomachs.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!It was the little spoon and the big spoon for the win as they reported a 99% satisfaction rate.Back it upNow before you never sleep back to back again (except then how can you hide the fact that you are eating cookies in bed from you r partner?) it should be noted that those back to backers who said they slept well were, for the most part (37%), content when they woke up.Only 1% behind a couple that slept in the same direction but not spooning. And as has been emphasized throughout this survey sleeping on your stomach once again proved to be bad for you in yet another way as when couples do this 19% said they were grumpy the next day and only 30% were content.Check out the graphic below for more results on couples and sleeping positions.The study did not note how long these couples had been together.Perhaps the spooners get all the credit for being hot and heavy but relationship psychologist Corrine Sweet says that couples that go back-to-back without touching are “connected and secure in themselves. This position shows both closeness and independence in the relationship.”You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Gang Activity in the U.S. Military

Gang Activity in the U.S. Military Gang Activity in the U.S. Military According to an FBI report,  Gang Activity in the U.S. Armed Forces Increasing, dated January 12, 2007,  members of nearly every major street gang have been identified on both domestic and international military installations. Members of nearly every major street gang, including the Bloods, Crips, Black Disciples, Gangster Disciples, Hells Angels, Latin Kings, The 18th Street Gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), Mexican Mafia, Nortenos, Surenos, Vice Lords, and various white supremacist groups, have been documented on military installations. Although most prevalent in the Army, the Army Reserves, and the National Guard, gang activity is pervasive throughout all branches of the military and across most ranks  but is most common among the junior enlisted ranks, according to the report. The extent of gang presence in the armed services is often difficult to determine since many enlisted gang members conceal their gang affiliation and military authorities may not recognize gang affiliation or may be inclined not to report such incidences. Since 2004, the FBI and El Paso Police Department  identified over 40 military-affiliated Folk Nation gang members stationed at the Fort Bliss Army Installation in Texas who were involved in drug distribution, robberies, assaults, weapons offenses, and a homicide, both on and off the installation.Fort Hood, Texas, Army Installation officials have identified nearly 40 gang members on base since 2003. Military-affiliated Gangster Disciple members at Fort Hood have been responsible for robberies, assaults, theft, and burglaries on and off base. Nearly 130 gang and extremist group members have been identified on the Fort Lewis, Washington, Army Installation since 2005. These gang members are believed to be responsible for many of the criminal misconduct instances reported on base. The FBI reports that accurate data reflecting gang-related instances occurring on military installations is limited since the military is not required to report criminal offense statistics occurring on post to the ?FBI. Consequently, military data reflecting criminal instances are not incorporated into the Uniform Crime Report (UCR). Why Gang Members Join the Military The FBI believes that gang members may enlist in the military to escape their current environment or gang lifestyle. Some gang members may also enlist to receive weapons, combat, and convoy support training; to obtain access to weapons and explosives; or as an alternative to incarceration. Upon discharge, they may employ their military training against law enforcement officials and rival gang members. Such military training could ultimately result in more organized, sophisticated, and deadly gangs, as well as an increase in deadly assaults on law enforcement officers. In May 2005 an Army recruit and suspected Crip member was assigned to the US Army Finance Battalion where he engaged in drug distribution. He was eventually discharged from the Army for misconduct.According to open source reporting and multiple law enforcement reporting, soldiers, including gang members, are currently being taught urban warfare for combat in Iraq, including how to encounter hostile gunfire.The Defense Criminal Investigative Service reported in 2006 that gang members, particularly MS-13 members, are increasing their presence on or near US military installations. Even though the policy violates military recruiting regulations, US criminal courts have allowed gang members to enter the service as an alternative to incarceration. Several instances wherein gang members have been recruited into the armed services while facing criminal charges or on probation or parole have been documented. In many instances, a gang member facing criminal charges may be provided the option to join the military or serve a jail sentence. Furthermore, some army recruiters have been known to conceal recruits gang affiliation to help boost their enlistment numbers. Increased Crime Gang membership in the armed forces can disrupt good order and discipline, increase criminal activity on and off military installations, and compromise installation security and force protection. Gang incidents involving active-duty personnel on or near US military bases nationwide include drive-by shootings, assaults, robberies, drug distribution, weapons violations, domestic disturbances, vandalism, extortion, and money laundering. Gangs have also been known to use active-duty service members to distribute their drugs. The Aurora Police Department reports that in July 2006 a Marine reservist and Maniac Latin Disciple gang member who had served in Iraq was charged with attempted murder in the shooting of three teenagers in Aurora, Illinois.According to FBI investigative data, in April 2006 a Blood member and active duty soldier at Fort Lewis allegedly robbed a bowling alley on base and is a suspect in a home invasion robbery in Olympia, Washington.In January 2005 a Fort Hood soldier and Gangster Disciple leader was convicted of two aggravated robberies in Killeen, Texas.  According to open-source reporting, he allegedly directed 30 to 40 Fort Hood Gangster Disciple members to commit illegal activities including drug dealing, identity theft, and armed robberies. Dangerous Situation Military-trained gang members also present an emerging threat to law enforcement officers patrolling the streets of US cities. Both current and former gang-affiliated soldiers transfer their acquired military training and knowledge back to the community and employ them against law enforcement officers, who are typically not trained to engage gangsters with military expertise. Gang members in the military are commonly assigned to military support units where they have access to weapons and explosives. Military personnel may steal items by improperly documenting supply orders or by falsifying paperwork. Law enforcement officials throughout the United States have recovered military-issued weapons and explosives such as machine guns and grenades from  criminals and gang members while conducting search warrants and routine traffic stops. In June 2006 an incarcerated US Army soldier and active gang member identified 60 to 70 gang-affiliated military personnel in his unit allegedly involved in the theft and sale of military equipment and weapons. The soldier reported that many of the military personnel in charge of ammunition and grenade distribution are sergeants who are active gang members.A May 2006 interview with a former Marine and Gangster Disciple member incarcerated in Colorado detailed how easily soldiers many of whom were gang members stole military weapons and equipment and used them on the streets of US cities or sold them to civilian gang members. In December 2005 a National Guard soldier allegedly smuggled several machine guns back from Iraq and sold them to a gun dealer in Georgia, according to open-source information.In a May 2006 interview with the Colorado Department of Corrections, an incarcerated Gangster Disciple member and former Marine discussed the advantages of military training and how it assists gang members in bank robberies, home invasions, and confrontations with police.A 2006 news interview revealed that a Marine, who was a King Cobra member, stationed at MCAS Camp Pendleton, taught members of his gang how to engage in military-style ambushes and how to position themselves for tactical advantage. He further admitted that he joined the Marines to learn how to shoot guns. Threat to Dependents Gang members commonly target dependent children of military personnel for recruitment. Military children are considered potential candidates for gang membership because the transient nature of their families often makes them feel isolated, vulnerable, and in need of companionship. Dependents of service members may be involved in drug distribution and assaults both on and off of military bases. Lax security at open installations may facilitate recruitment by allowing civilian gang members to access the base and interact with military personnel and their children. Fort Bragg officials report that a number of violent instances occurring on post often involve gang members and transpire at on-post nightclubs.In May 2005 the Fort Bragg Provost Marshall (PM) closed the Fort Bragg Fair early because of multiple fights prompted by youths flashing gang signs. The PM remarked that similar instances had also occurred at the prior years fair.A retired Special Forces soldier and President of the Hells Angels Fayetteville, North Carolina, chapter regularly visits  Fort Bragg. US Department of Defense  (DoD) youth program staff have acknowledged that military children are heavily influenced by gangs. However, many military spokespersons have dismissed these children as “wannabe gang members.”According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, military facilities in the continental United States, as well as overseas military facilities, have all experienced gang activity committed by dependents of service members. Getting in the Military Gang members have been known to enlist in the military by failing to report past criminal convictions or by using fraudulent documents. Some applicants enter the criminal justice system as juveniles and their criminal records are sealed and unavailable to recruiters performing criminal background investigations. Many military recruiters are not properly trained to recognize gang affiliation and unknowingly recruit gang members, particularly if the applicant has no criminal record or visible tattoos. In August 2006 a Latin King member from Milwaukee joined the Marines while under federal indictment for racketeering. The recruiter reported that despite the gang members indictment, he was still eligible for  military service  because he had not yet been convicted. He was, however, ultimately denied enlistment from service before reporting for duty.In 2006 an MS-13 member stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington reported that he and several other MS-13 members joined the military after their cliques leader was incarcerated. The soldier claimed that he was candid about his gang membership when recruited. In 2005 a Latin King member was allegedly recruited into the Army at a Brooklyn, New York, courthouse while awaiting trial for assaulting a New York police officer with a razor. He was reportedly instructed by the recruiter to conceal his gang affiliation.In 2005 a California probation officer reported that they were lobbied by Army recruiters to support early probation terminations for gang-affiliated probationers to facilitate their military recruitment. The FBI report concludes that while allowing gang members to serve in the military may temporarily increase recruiting numbers, US communities may ultimately have to contend with disruption and violence resulting from military-trained gang members on the streets of US cities. Furthermore, most gang members have been pre-indoctrinated into the gang lifestyle and maintain an allegiance to their gang. This could ultimately jeopardize the safety of other military members and impede gang-affiliated soldiers ability to act in the best interest of their country. Why the Army Disagrees In sharp contrast to the FBI report, an Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID),  Gang Activity Threat Assessment for FY 2006, calls the threat of gang activity in the Army low. Their report concludes: Overall, the assessment of the threat of gang activity in the Army is considered low.There are indicators that gangs remain active in some military communities. During FY 2006, the CID initiated 16 gang investigations and reported 44 gang-related incidents which occurred on Army installations or in Army communities.Reports indicated there is a small number of Soldiers involved in gangs or gang-related activity. However, there has been an increase in violent gang-related investigations in FY06. Gang-related violence in FY06 resulted in the loss of life of one US Army Soldier. The majority of subjects in gang-related investigations are junior enlisted (E-1-E-4) and/or youthful civilian dependent family members. During the period of October 2003 to September 2006, a total of 35 CID investigations were identified as felony crimes with gang-related activity There have been no Senior NCOs or Officers identified in any gang-related incidents or investigations.Military communities continue to be a more stable, secure and lawful environment than their civilian counterparts, especially given recent access control and other security enhancements. Much of the gun growth across the US can be attributed to the influence of the gang subculture rather than actual gang migration. Many communities are experiencing an emulation of nationally recognized gangs.Forming multi-agency task forces and joint community groups is an effective way to combat the problem. However, decreases in funding and staffing to many task forces have created new challenges for civilian communities. Limitations on recourses for authorized spaces, especially criminal intelligence spaces, have had a similar effect on CIDs ability to be proactive in this area.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Single Best Approach You Should Be Using for Latin Honors on Resume Exposed

The Single Best Approach You Should Be Using for Latin Honors on Resume Exposed How to Find Latin Honors on Resume Online So, as soon as a recruiter is looking through a resume, they might realize that candidates are almost equally nice and suitable for a specific job. Tell us why you're a strong candidate. Alas, many job applicants don't provide that same degree of care to their education section. Especially whenever there are countless different applicants with similar qualifications and abilities. There are a number of different kinds of special recognitions you may include on your resume. Also, a number of us coming from other backgrounds might have names which is tough to identify with in terms of our genders. In addition, if you become asked details about coursework from years before, you can fail your own resume test that is an instantaneous no-hire for many interviewers. The accomplishments that you select to grow your resume have to be relevant to the work vacancy you're applying to or relate in some way to the business or specific business. Definitions of Latin Honors on Resume Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you want to understand about how to select the best writing businesses. It's possible to go to Commencement Site for more info. Once you locate a service you prefer, don't neglect to look at my review of it. In summary, the service exists, so should you need to use it in order to find a top essa y, that's reason enough. New Questions About Latin Honors on Resume You should tailor the education section of your resume to satisfy your circumstances, including whether you continue to be a student, how much work experience that you have, and the number of academic achievements you've got. In both of these circumstances, don't list the graduate level. By way of example, military distinction. In this kind of instance, set the education last. For those who have plenty of work experience, it's wise to incorporate any expert awards on your resume to emphasize the fact your work was recognized for its excellence in a particular field. When you have 2-3 decades of work experience, it is the right time to eliminate your GPA from your resume. Details about your trip experience will present your future employers your capacity to depart from your comfort zone and continue being independent. If you aren't a student and have more relevant work experience, you won't be trying hard to fill space and it might be more beneficial to concentrate on other regions of your resume. Get the Scoop on Latin Honors on Resume Before You're Too Late We're proud to provide our students the chance to distinguish themselves academically, which will enable them achieve their long-term career objectives. If you are now in college or will soon be graduating, these tips will be able to help you determine whether to include your GPA on your resume, and show you where and how to correctly include it. Honors colleges are typically the perfect learning setting for ambitious university students, but there are a few possible disadvantages that students should know of. For instance, the honors bachelor's degree in the usa is an exceptional study program which is different from the bachelor's degree with honours in the uk and a number of other Commonwealth countries. Education counts as a 2nd major. Receiving a financial award is absolutely worth trying and is among the principal advantages of graduating from high school with honors. Because grades aren't official and the term isn't completed until after commencement, the present term grades aren't taken into account when recognizing Latin Honors at commencement. For instance, if you are not pleased with your GPA, leave it out, but don't make this up. If you're listing your important GPA, as opposed to your general GPA, make certain that you label this clearly. If that's the case, just incorporate the GPA beside your honors, in parenthesis. Don't forget, looking good on paper is simply step one. During job applications, many businesses are still sticking to the standard technique of reading resumes. There are times that you want just a little something extra. Owning and growing a company is a sizable undertaking that will demand plenty of your time and energy.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What Experts Are Not Saying About Resume Format Download and What This Means For You

What Experts Are Not Saying About Resume Format Download and What This Means For You Have a peek at some of our favourite formats below or browse our complete collection of free resume format layouts. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of each file format to help you select the best resume format for each circumstance. There are several online resume maker tools which will sure help you to have a resume in pdf format only as long as you pay them. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be very tricky to decide on the best one that is most suited to you. The option is right your choice! In any event, it's as simple as one two three. Once you have selected your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our absolutely free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. Whether you want a resume at the moment or if you're making one proactively, there's a choice to suit your requirements. You're searching for simple resume templates. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot online and can be downloaded for more use. They are complete with the entire outline structure and most of the content that makes way for a powerful resume in a matter of just a few minutes. Our creative templates permit you to stick out from the crowd. It's a good idea to bring a cover letter with your resume. All information provided needs to be thought to be fictional. You should make sure that the absolute most important details in your resume appear on the very first page rather than the second. If you're interested in an infographic format, below are some infographic samples to check out. Luckily, our Sample Resumes can provide you a sense on what you could do in order to make your resume standout. On the two-page sample resume format above, you are going to observe that theSummary of Qualifications along with Other Qualifications show up on the very first page since they are definitely the most important portion of your resume. Resumes are primarily summaries of your experience and that which you can provide. Writing resumes can be quite tedious and time-consuming. Make sure to reassess your resumes submitting. Your resume or CV may be among the most important projects you ever design. It is possible to say that's quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. Infographic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they may be effective when done well. Resume Format Download - the Story You know you wish to add the work experience you've accumulated throughout the last year or so, but nevertheless, it can be challenging to know what things to eliminate on your old resume or CV in order to create room for new material. If work experience isn't your key highlight or whether you've got an inconsistent work history, its best advisable to start your resume with your qualifications. It's cool that you're searching for a job to have some money, but you need some difficulties with resume. When you're working at your existing job you're not stressed, seems like everything goes smooth and with no troubles. There are a lot of different general resume types in order to have some choices in regards to choosing what sort of resume you want. There are varieties of general resume types it is possible to follow based on what type of approach you want your resume to have in applying for your preferred job. Part of creating an effective resume is selecting the most appropriate format to inform your private story. Now that you've seen the basic resume formats, you can choose one which feels appropriate for the job that you are applying for. Whenever you are asking for work, it's mandatory that you submit a resume. When you're asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you want a resume template you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop'. Whichever format you select, it should make you become selected for the job you're applying for.